Episode 5: Extraordinary tales of the hull ~First Fight~

“Lets maintain this area!”

Ryuzaki shouted as they continued subjugating the croc type monster on the 10 floor in the underground labyrinth.

Today, in addition to Kogane, Goubayashi and Sakuma, some other students came along exploring the lower levels. They admired upon Kogane and Goubayashi skillful teamwork, while Sacchan had been frantically healing them.

Finishing the 10th floor, this has been the best exploration they have done. Furthermore, they found the stairs leading to the next floor. There’s the possibility that stronger monsters lurk in the next floor and since they stressed the important on being safe, they wanted to end here.

Brining along other classmates was Ryuzaki’s proposal. Not knowing how strong the monsters’ appearance could be in the 10th floor, if they happened to fight then it would be best to show them how to handle themselves, or so Ryuzaki’s proposed. Goubayashi was reluctant to expose the classmates to danger while Kogane agreed on the proposal. In the end Sacchan could not decide, so it was a 2v1 and the proposal was approved.

“Is it that big of a deal?”

Tsurugi muttered as she viewed the 2 opposition. In the previous world she was a female kendo practitioner and having been reincarnated again, she was part of the fighting corp. Although not as powerful as Goubayashi, she is considered the next strongest in battle ability after the strongest party.

The queen’s entourage, Harui, also came along, in addition with Hakuba and Washio. The duo, Gofun and Okumura, were quite fond with exploring, so they were often not seen. Sugiura and Kano were at the base with the members who had duties, so they did not participate.

“Naa Ryuzaki, let’s go deeper?”

Washio asked out loud. Washio had originally been one of Ryuzaki’s “elite” group member. Stating his opinion, his intentions was to return to his original position within the class. However, Harui had seen through his action had chuckled and sneered at him with the other girls also taking part.

The only female not laughing is Tsurugi, due to holding her head by her side which made things difficult.

“What do you mean by that? Listen Washio, beyond this area is—“

“What Tsurugi, scared? With just this much people here, it’ll be a piece of cake. We’ll manage one way or another”

“Hmmm, I see—. That’s true”

Tsurugi glanced towards the strongest party face looking for approval. Goubayashi, Kogane, and Sacchan seemed to have any response in approving. Ryuzaki put on a troubled smile. Since no one had nodded, there’s no use in forcing the exploration.

And yet, Washio again grumbled. If his suggestions were to be shot down, Harui and the others would laugh even more.

Finally, Ryuzaki gave 『If there’s any danger, we are immediately escaping』 as a condition in order to finalize the decision. Goubayashi and Kogane reluctantly agreed to that decision. Washio fluttered his wings, as if flaunting his pride. Harui no longer interested, snorted from her nose and turned her gaze away.

Thus the class descended towards the 11th floor.


The rusting heavy cruiser. While thinking about where to enter, it was surprisingly easy to find a way in. From the bottom, there was a hole exactly the size of a human, allowing for one person going in or out. Kyousuke can’t tell if it was intentionally opened by the crew, an enemy torpedo striking during the battle it had faced, or if there was a different cause for the opening.

“It sort of looks like a haunted house right!”

“Himemizu, stop shouting near my ears…….”

Rin’s called out in an excitedly raised voice and somehow a shrill voice ranged throughout Kyousuke’s head. But he has no brain. So why?

It was naturally dim inside the cruiser, so Akira became the replacement of a torch. The bed frames were lumped together, rusted away and they were also scattered all over the place. Among the pile, there were some weapons that were once useful, but it’s now a mere shadow if itself.

From the bilge, they aimed towards the ship’s deck. They advanced higher and higher. Before long a place similar to a corridor appeared. Doors extended in a row down the entire passage on the left and right side, which had caught their eyes.

“Are those sailors cabin?”

Akira muttered.

“There might be treasures”

Rin nodded.

“I wonder?”

“Eh—, its standard for RPG! Among sunken ships, it’s exactly a dungeon isn’t it!”

“This is not exactly a sunken ship, nor is it a RPG!”

For now, Kyousuke tried to forcibly opened a door nearby.


It wont move. Trying to pull it more and it absolutely won’t move.

“The door’s too rusty so it wont move!!”

“Looks like it”

If its at this rate, there’s also no hope for the other doors. Rin and Kyousuke advanced while creaks could be heard treading from the beds. Of course, there’s really no indication of people too. As expected, there’s no one remaining in this ship. But if there’s no human remaining, he at least wanted some clue as to where they went.

“Utsurogi-kun! That cabin over there, its door is broken!”

“Like I said, stop yelling near my ears…..”

While the shrilling noise resounded inside his head, he shifted his sight. From the beginning, a portion of Rin extended outward like a tentacle, pointing in the direction. Sure enough the door is busted, making it possible to enter.

“Is that place the captain’s cabin?”

Akira muttered again as he floated.

“Then there might be a journal!”

Rin cheerfully shouted.

Once in a while, Rin would occasionally recite Kyousuke’s intention as if it she was reading his mind. This is one of the inconveniences of fusing together. And if so, why can’t he read Rin’s thoughts? That’s too much of an unfair rule.

Well, whatever.

Rin and Kyousuke set the pace again, heading towards the captain’s cabin.
Peering inside the dim room, Akira came just a little late in illuminating the room. Inside, the same words leaked out from the trio’s mouth.


This was due to it being unattended to for many years. Though it gone through many seasons, it still is human bones. It was wearing the former Japan Navy’s Uniform. Rin shrieked, and here Kyousuke thought she was accustomed to seeing a skeleton. Or could it possible be that the scene was too surreal and reality couldn’t be sensed?

“Is it Captain-san……..”

Rin standing alone uttered, while Akira swung towards its head.

“Although the uniform is worn out, the rank insignia is of lieutenant. The captain of this warship, should certainly be no less than the lieutenant colonel. This person is not the captain.”

“But this is the captain’s room right?”

“In short, the captain for some reason unknown is not here. This person assumed the role as the captain in place of the previous captain”

Kyousuke muttered, while taking a step forward. Since this person was a human, then there’s an issue. He doesn’t understand why they did not reincarnate into monsters like they had. If so, even though they did have weapons did they not feel helpless everyday? Ammunition would someday run out as well. At that time, rising to represent the leader would have been this captain. Just what the heck happened?

“What should we do? Utsurogi-kun”

“All we can do is just pray that they have happiness in the next world”

Even if the bones wanted to be buried in their birthplace, they are unable to fulfill its wishes now.


Akira suddenly called out in a strange tension different from before.

“What’s up Akira”

“Just look. Ah, rather, we’re surrounded”

“Surrounded? Who”

“I don’t know. However, ‘Who’ is showing hostility”

After hearing that, Rin and Kyousuke were unable to become calm. Paying attention to their surrounding, they turned around.

“Ah, Utsurogi-kun! Hino-Kun! Over there!!”

Akira and Kyousuke looked towards the direction in which Rin pointed at. There, countless numbers of red eye appeared. Oh, more like glints in their eyes. Within the wide room and from the shadows of the shelves and desk, all eyes simultaneously looked in their direction.


Akira flared his flame body with the temperature jumping instantly, while Rin cried out 『Hottt!』.

With the wisp blazing body swelling up, the dim room immediately became illuminated. Either way, they remembered their silhouette and trained their line of sight on them. Rin also shrieked during this time.

“That’s a lot of Gofunkawahara!?”

“Wrong! They’re all goblins from this world!!!”

Yup, they’re similar in shape of being small oni’s as their classmate Gofunkawahara. However, it’s different from the cheerful and puzzle loving Gofunkawahara, compared to this world’s goblins who does not seem quite friendly.

It’s possible that they have turned this rusting heavy cruiser into their lair. Kyousuke didn’t know whether the survivors of this warship were killed by the goblins, as the white bones of the captain rolled towards their feet. However, if they were careless, it was going to be obvious that they will also meet the same fate as the survivors.

“Himemizu! Kyosuke! RUN!!”

Akira shouted, while flicking flaming pebbles from his body. The pebbles poured down on the goblins, restraining their movements. Taking that chance, Rin and Kyousuke jumped out towards the corridor. Running without any resistance

“I wonder if they’re friends that Gofunkawahara-kun brought along!?”

“What are you wondering about! If Gofunkawahara had good communication skills, then it’s possible”

After jumping ouy, they tried to return to their original path, however


Goblins came jumping from the shadow of the passage, blocking their way.


“Himemizu, the deck! Exit from the deck!”

Concentrating entirely on running, both legs swung with force as they went. The special training’s results clearly showed. They met many obstacles scattered onboard the ship, but their speed did not falter.
This speed could possibly be faster than the time they were humans.

The skeleton clad in the slime’s flesh, and since there were no unnecessary organs, they were able to exhibit a perfect performance in springing their whole body


Kyousuke suddenly figured something out.

With just running, they were able to display this much power. If they could use this power to fight, wouldn’t they become fairly powerful? At any rate, their body is just made up of flesh and bones. He doesn’t know how much power they can exert, but since it’s only goblins…..

“I don’t know the difference between crackers and biscuits, but we came out to a wide place!”

“Aaa, this is the deck!”

As Rin was speaking, they both jumped out towards the deck. They were able to see the rocky area that hid their labyrinth turned base, since the warship’s bow was facing in that direction.

If looking behind, while laughing and gigi could be heard from the goblins, they quickly approached Kyousuke and Rin. They could not see Akira figure so he might have escaped in a different direction, or maybe thought of a different tactic. By no means would he possibly suffer damage from goblins. Kyousuke believes that he can’t be physically damaged, due to his body.

Only Rin and Kyousuke is left here. That concludes that there’s no choice but to do it

“Himemizu, we’re going to have to fist fight!”

“E, Eehhh!?”thumb_img_20170115_213639217_1024

Kyousuke expected that Rin would be surprised at this proposal

“F, fist fight…..! With this body!?”

“Exactly with this body. Lend me your power. If it’s just as it is, both of us may end up dying”

“U, un…… If I somehow died as a slime it would be no joke but….. I won’t like it if Utsurogi-kun become scattered!”

It was an extremely nice thing to say.

Kyousuke prepared my breath (that was his intention), and took a stance.

“Himemizu, is it ok if I take control?”

“Ok. But Utsurogi-kun, have you done martial arts before?”

“I’ve watched “Enter the dragon” and “Rocky” series more than five time a piece!”

“Uwaooo. That’s kind of useless!”

Excuse you. Bruce Lee is his spirit master. On top of that, he learned Jeet Kune Do just by watching.

There’s no choice but to improvise in teaching Rin.


The goblins leapt while brandishing their small hatchets. Kyousuke raised his legs, ready to counter-attack.



The goblin face clung onto the slime’s body.

“Uooooo!? It’s too close! Is it impossible for your body to harden!?”

“S, sorry! I was just surprised now…..Throw it away! Throw it away!”

From his foot, tentacles sprung out. Kyousuke couldn’t recall what really happened, but the goblin was thrown.

“I—, its similar to that. Remember “Kiseiji”…..”

“Whats that?”

“It’s a manga! Also a masterpiece!”

That piece of work, in which the main character and his partner cooperating played an important part, they might be able to the same thing! In the manga, Migi was only a monster but in their case, it was different since their entire body is of a monster.

“Utsurogi-kun, one more time! This time it’s a punch!”

“A, are you sure?”

“Yes! I’ll try to strike with all my strength!”

With just the right timing, the goblins from before came flying towards them. Kyousuke pulled his right arm as far as he could and as it is, the blow landed with force. This time the fist met some resistance. There’s the sensation of swatting something hard and it folding, in which the goblin was then flung against the wall.

“Yatta, huge success!”

Rin joyfully shouted.

“Himemizu, what did you just do?”

“I temporarily increased the density by concentrating on the portion punching! Because it was hard and heavy, it packed this much power!”

“I see……”

Kyousuke casually glanced towards the fist we had created.

It seems as if Rin is able to become skillful in imitating. If Rin is able to control her volume and density, then it would be enough for us to endure in direct combat.

Iya, just that only won’t do.

There are roughly ten goblins before them. Even with one down, there’s just a few too many.

“Himemizu, on my signal, do you think you can transform your body while we’re fighting?”

“Eh, u, un. Let’s try and see”

The goblin unit has yet to attack, being vigilant instead. If they’re going to attack, it’s now or never.

With all his strength, Kyousuke swung his arm

“NOW! Right hand! WHIP!!!


Rin’s able to react quickly and accurately. His right arm is coiled about by Rin’s body, Guun, as it stretched like a whip. While the arm was in motion, it lashed against the goblins who did not expect it, striking the goblins en masse.

“Grab them now!”


“Setup the left hand for another punch!”

The goblins were intertwined by Rin’s body as the arm came back towards Kyousuke. They were then pulled in his direction as he clenched his fist. The fist literally hardens, landing on the goblins.

“Is it too much Himemizu!?”

“Its ok! Its easy since Utsurogi-kun is supporting me!”

Its fine if that’s the case.

The goblins decided for a simultaneous attack and jumped all at once. He’d have to avoid that first. Kyousuke began hopping with his right leg lined up in the direction of the gun turrets. From there, without any signal from Rin, the right leg extended from the body, hooking onto the rusty gun barrel.

With it acted as an anchor chains and the right leg contracting, he pulled with plenty of force in the direction of the gun barrel

“Use the force from pulling to jump!”

“Jump! Alright!”

In the next moment, Rin ridiculously and unskillfully pulled it off.

“Sorry! I used your bones without permissi—!”

Kyousuke both legs became dislocated, with his knee joints facing the opposite direction. The so-called reverse joint. Chicken feet, dogs and horses hind foot, etc…(closely related but different), it became entirely reverse jointed. Suitable in being a bipedal machine, the reverse joint structure probably has a powerful spring to it when jumping.

Using both foot, he landed on the gun barrel with a strong thud. He couldn’t believe his body was able to get that much speed and jumping really really high!

“UOooooooo! Oww!? Reverse jointed is extremely painful!!”

“Then, shall I correct it?”

“Don’t! We need to smash the goblins below first! Hammer!!”

If free-falling from this height, it would surely be a devastating blow. Rin concentrated her entire body onto Kyousuke’s arm for a final move.

Concentrating entirely on gathering density, an enormous hammer formed.

“Here we go Himemizu!”


Raising the hammer in a grandiose fashion, aiming to strike the panicky grouped goblins.


The impact caused a thunderous roar. The rusting heavy cruiser violently shook and from the ship’s deck appeared a hole. While the hull was slowly slanting as it was going to collapse and the front portion of the warship had been demolished into small pieces, Rin and Kyousuke finally landed on the ground.


Even now, dense dust clouds continuously kick and huge rusting iron are falling like they’re dancing in the air. Amid everything happening, Kyousuke slowly stood up, his body no longer clad in slime flesh. Most likely happened when they fell down and landed. Instead, Rin is energetically wavering about towards his feet… going unyon-nyon.

“D, did we win?”

“Looks like it……”

As usual, Kyousuke can’t tell if he can or cannot heave a sigh, but tried to.

“Kyousuke! Himemizu!”

At that exact timing, they heard Akira’s voice. It came from exactly above too. He’s probably peeking down the newly made hole in the deck.

“You’re safe!? What did you encounter!? No matter how many times I’ve looked, you guys were nowhere to be found…..Ahh Iya, as long as you’re safe, its good! Really, don’t make me worry so much!”

“It’s my first time hearing Hino-kun flustered voice”

Rin muttered

“Maaa, that guy can be quite adorable at times right?”

“Un, I see—“

Perhaps, for the sake of their path to retreat, it seems they had to fight against the goblins. Once a useless bunch only when they are alone, when fused together, their combat ability will surely rise. Physical attack is too important not to use.

“By the way Himemizu”

Kyousuke gaze fell towards Rin who was by his foot.

“My reverse joints, can you correct it now………?”


Later that day, they returned back to base. On their way back, they got into an argument as to whether they should tell the other classmates about the rusty heavy cruiser.

Rin and Kyousuke agreed that they ought to tell them.

At any rate, there’s a clue about their former world. Even if the other classmates’ objectives were to continuously pass time here or if they possible want to return to the former world or they can’t decide between the two, the existence of the rusty heavy cruiser will no doubt help set the new guidelines.

Then there’s Akira, who suggest that they should conceal the information, for the time being.

Currently, the classmates were finally able to regain their calmness. If they were to give unnecessary information now, it would garner chaos causing their solidarity to potentially collapse. If the situation becomes a little calmer, they can then share bits of their information.

“In particularly, our current class leader is extremely unsteady”

“About Ryuzaki-kun?”

Rin enquired, while Akira nodded.

“I’ve been thinking that Ryuzaki’s leadership has been chipped ever since he reincarnated. Although he’s quite social and has good influence, that’s just it. It’s hard to say but this world requires someone with survivability as a necessary characteristic.”

“As always, Akira has the ability to give tough criticism.”

Kyousuke nonchalantly muttered.

“I still think that Ryuzaki is a splendid leader within our class”

“You’re too optimistic Kyosuke”

“But well….if that’s what you say. About the heavy cruiser topic before, should we be silent on that matter? Is that ok with you, Himemizu?”

“Un! No complaints from me!”

Well, since they all came to an agreement, the topic of the heavy cruiser is to be kept a secret for now.

Kyousuke does not understand why Ryuzaki is considered to be unsteady. As far as he see it, Ryuzaki, as their support, is included in the strongest party of Goubayashi, Kogane and Sakuma. He also carries the reputation of being the “perfect” leader too. And again, it’s a good thing his influential voice still exist because if someone were to no longer approve his commands, its likely that their class would separate in the base.

If not Ryuzaki, there are several students that may be able to lead the students. Regarded as the best in strength by the females would be Kaoruko, Ryuzaki’s close friend Goubayashi, and lastly the Queen Akai.

First, its impossible for Goubayashi to bear the full brunt of leadership. He is, no matter what, only a shadow of Ryuzaki. Goubayashi characteristic is not suited for being a leader.

Kaoruko is also impossible. Although he’s popular and also had an influential voice, he received a huge shock after reincarnating thus becoming somewhat depressed.

Having said that, the last person left is Akai, but she’s also the first student to not do anything too.

With that, paying heed to each circumstances, Ryuzaki is the best candidate to continue on leading. Those were Kyousuke real intentions.

Before long, after struggling to reach the wasteland rocky area, they were able to see the labyrinth and returned to base. Tired and thinking of taking a rest, from the direction of the dining hall, quarreling voices could be heard.



Tilting my head with a puzzling look, Akira chided me.

“Don’t poke your nose in others problems”

“Buut, I can’t leave it alone”

“………Really. You”

Akira followed Kyousuke while moaning, such a good friend. Watching our exchange, Rin broadly grinned and laughed at us. Iya, since she’s a slime, Kyousuke can’t tell whether she is laughing or not, but her body’s strange shivering is absolutely impying laughter. It does not mean she’s showing off with her body (misleading statement). For that he understood.

The moment they entered the dining hall, a conspicuously loud “boos” could be heard

“Like I said, it’s entirely your judgmental error!! That’s enough for you putting on air of a class representative!!”

Kyousuke body unintentionally cringed, as did Akira. The owner’s voice is noticeable as they experience this voice many times. They exchanged glances

“This voice…….”

“Don’t tell me…Kogane…?”

The other classmates have already gathered and worried about the situation’s direction, they watched over it.

Raising their voice in anger is evidently Kogane. His handsome looks warped in anger, the high elf gripped the draconic collar and lifted him. Ryuzaki was obviously depressed. The situation around was no longer calm. Goubayashi, Akai and Kaoruko were gathered as well, making the place stand out a little. It seems they are in the neutral area.

“I feared this was going to happen……..”

Akira muttered to himself. It appears to be that, but Kyousuke’s unable to understand the current situation.

He asked the nearest student about the current situation.

“Heey, Washio. Whats going on?”


Just came back and all Kyousuke get is clicking of tongues. It seems that Gryphons are able to do that. Akira signed some more.

“Poor personal selection Kyousuke”

Concealing the information, Washio scowled. Akira continued to watch over the situation as Sugiura came to explain it.

“Ryuzaki and the other classmates, as big as this many here, went deeper down the labyrinth, but it seems that they encountered a strong monster there.”

“Did Ryuzaki give that direction…….?

“Un. It seems to be actually different but Ryuzaki was the one who finally decided”

But to that degree in which Kogane becomes angry because of merely exposing the classmates to danger does not make it just the only reason. There’s something more different.

While Kyousuke was thinking that, Sugiura delivered shocking news.

“Sacchan and Tsurugi-san, were left behind in the lower levels………..”

Authors note!
Tomorrow’s submission is still pending!

Mostly likely tomorrow morning or later I’ll post!

Episode 6 will be the start of the rescue operation and of course Kyosuke and friends will challenge another dungeon! What kind of monster awaits them! Look forward to it!


26 thoughts on “Episode 5: Extraordinary tales of the hull ~First Fight~

  1. Advocate

    Rescue Mission! Now I am thinking this will take a while to imagine what that monster might be. And that Kiseiju ref, yeah I know. You are cool Migi! For now, must wait. Thanks for the time of the holidays. Merry Christmas Eve!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. GM_Rusaku

      ∧ ∧
     (๑•̀ᴗ- )✩
    ┃Thanks! Nepu!!┃
     ┗┛   ┗┛


  3. “Among the pile, there were some weapons that were once useful, but it’s now a mere shadow IF itself.”
    Should be “of.

    “Goubayashi, Kogane, and Sacchan seemed to have ANY response in approving” Is something missing or should “any” be “any response of approval” instead?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Doors extended in a row down the entire passage on the left and right side had caught their eyes.”
      Yeah pretty sure this is kinda wrong and should be “Doors extending in a row down the entire passage on the left and right side caught their eyes.”

      “Are those sailor cabin” should be “cabinS”


  4. “Akira flared his flame body with the temperature jumping instantly, while Rin cried out.”

    So pretty sure right know this sentence means that Akira used temperature that jumped up for some reason to flare his body. And instead it should probably be something like
    “Akira flared his flame body and HIS temperature jumped instantly, while Rin cried out.” Or if its surrounding temperature that jumped up just remove “HIS”.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “I don’t know whether the survivors of this warship were killed by the goblins, as the white bones of the captain rolled towards our feet. However, if they were careless, it was going to be obvious that they will also meet the same fate as the survivors.”

    Okay, English is definitely is not my main language so what in the gods name with the narration point of view in this paragraph?. Is it from author POV or MC POV, cause it seems like it jumps from noone to nothing and doesn’t make much sense in english. Is it just me?

    Like first sentence half inner monolog of MC mixed with side view of bones. And second one is authors POV narrating the situation the party is in. I’m strongly agains changing original text but this just doesn’t make sense in translated form.

    “As white bones of the captain rolled toward our feet (“our” he meant his connected with slime, sure let it be plural or it’s just a figure of speech?) i wondered if the survivors of this warship were killed by the goblins. However if we are careless, it is obvious that we will also meet the same fate.”


    1. Haha, I see you caught some mistakes. Honestly, I feel as if the author is trying to speak in multiple views, from Kyosuke, to Tsurugi(chapter 7), though he does not mention variants of I within the “monologues”. Only during the time why they actually speak. Throughout the chapters I’ve read so far, the author will usually point out who’s thinking by saying something like this:

      恭介の足から手が生えて, which directly translate to From Kyosuke’s legs, hands grew. I’m making the assumption (though it is changing the authors work a little) its going to be centered around Kyosuke, in which I interpreted it as: From my legs, hands grew. It gets tiresome in swapping between Kyosuke’s third and first person point of view. I think this is how some Japanese authors are, though I have not confirmed it yet.(RVSSL does not even mention the MC name while MWY is simpler, due to not having many character.)

      Though English is my 1st language(close to native with 2nd being native and 3rd being beginner(Japanese)), I still struggle with it as with anyone else. Especially with run on sentence, I have a tendency to do that haha!

      Check out the raws and see which point of view you think the authors trying to speak. I basically replaced all of the Kyosuke(恭介) to I, though the author is not using I specifically (私(わたし)俺(おれ)or 僕(ぼく))except when it’s dialogues.

      Thanks though, for point out various things. I appreciate it. Though I’m bound to have some or many errors as I am doing this solo.


      1. Yeah, that thing with the perspective is definitely a Japanese language thing.
        I distinctly remember seeing some novel translation having trouble with that and having to change sentences in english. Honestly thought it was you who mentioned it somewhere on this blog but i didn’t find it.
        It’s pretty similar to “YOU” being a gender nutral term in english.
        This author POV stuff, characters speaking in 3rd person about them selves and lack of speaker names is a general headache for translators.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Maybe Rin should’Ve tried to absorb one of the Goblins… if she is a standard slime, wouldn’t she be able to mimic it? The she could run alone and our mc could get a less lame powerup a few chapters down the line… X) Also, how the hell is the mc useless but Goubayashi isn’t?! Goblins are weaker than skeletons…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. AJ

    Typographical error: “Brining” should be “Bringing”.

    The troubles in the dungeon began when the additional party members created an egotistical “showing off” posturing. When deciding to go past the 10th level or not, the others were urged on by Washio. Since Washio wanted to increase his stature in the student heirarchy by going further down, so he jeered at Tsurugi as being too scared to go deeper. As a result, the entire party was forced to run from the powerful monster and they left both Tsurugi and their healer behind. So much for ego, but that Washio should get some blame for using his glory-seeking ego to urge the party to seek more risks.


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